Thursday, January 8, 2009

Assignment due January 13th: Poetic Imagery

There are 3 parts to this writing/blog assignment. 300-400 words. You need to have it posted before we meet for class.

1. This part can be relatively brief. Take note of the various images in one of the poems assigned for class on January 13: Frost's "Design", Hemans's "Casabianca", or Rich's "Diving into the Wreck". Are some images more prominent and/or dominant than others? Are some images subtle? Do some images recur within the poem--and if so do they change or stay the same?

2. This part should comprise the bulk of your entry: 2 or more substantial paragraphs. Take something you noticed from your image notes in part 1 and use it to formulate an interpretation of the poem. For this assignment, less is more, so try to focus on just one image that recurs, for example, or a very small group of images that relate to each other. As an illustration, if I had assigned this for last class, you could have written about the 3 different images in the separate quatrains of Shakespeare's sonnet, discussing the compression of scale and the varieties of lightness/darkness, cyclical/terminal nature, etc.

3. Post 1-3 pictures with your writing. Be creative and have fun with this. Also, it's good practice to include links to the websites where you found them or to give yourself credit if they are your pics.

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